Tiny Tool Kits

Tiny Tool Kit Talk at EMF 2024

At Electro Magnetic Field 2024, I gave a talk titled “The Tiny Toolkit Manifesto”. I got some very positive feedback (yay, thank you) and after the talk, I had some great chats with other makers who kindly took the time to show my their tiny tool kits.The video of the talk is above, and you can read the Tiny Tool kit Manifesto here.

My Tiny Tool Kit for Product Repair and Disassembly

This is the current version of my tiny tool kit for assembling and repairing electro-mechanical products, Arduino projects, robots and 3D printers. There are more details on the TinyToolk.it website.

TinyToolk.it Website

Since January 2024, I have been making the TinyToolk.it website with Richard and Sam, it is a curated library of tiny tools and tiny tool kits.

Tee hee. 🙂