Currently, my desk has two Raspberry Pi’s. Raspberry Pi’s are just brilliant little computers – it’s great to have a dedicated piece of hardware to do one task.
Volumio Music Player
A Raspberry Pi 2 IQaudio Dac and Amp Hat, with Mordaunt Short speakers makes the main stereo in my office – the sound quality is really good.

Octoprint Running on a Pi4 8Gb
Octoprint is a brilliant open source software created by Gina Häußge. It runs my 3D printer, and serves up a webpage that allows me to control and monitor it from anywhere in the house.
Raspberry Pi 4 Aluminium Heatsink Case – Upgrade Covers
I created these 3D Printed Upgrade Covers for the Pi Aluminium Heatsink Case to cover the GPIO pins, and USB ports.

Whoops – Accidental Cyberdeck
I accidentally made a Cyberdeck. These are just super-retro-futuristically cool, and would be quite tempting for a future project – if I could work out a purpose for it 🙂

Pi Hole
I’ve dabbled with running a Pi Hole to adblock the whole house… I should get back to that.