From 2002 to 2005 I had the wonderful experience of working alongside Innovator, Designer and Engineer, Mark Sanders (MAS Design).
I did a lot of the development of the Solidworks CAD Models between the Strida 2.5 to the Strida 3.2, around updating the design and moving the manufacture Ming Cycles in Taiwan.

I designed and made an Electric Strida prototype, and created several version of the Strida owners manual.

I worked on the detailed design and upgrades to the Strida 3, including the magnetic wheel clip, and the quality control jigs for frame manufacture. Also Strida accessories including the upgrade kit, bike bag and box.

I produced a lot of engineering drawings and managed the digital assets.

At the time the Strida was available in silver or grey. I made a proposal for a range of colours, and while that didn’t happen while I was there, I like to think that this helped to lead the way to the awesomeness in Strida colours that has happened since. 🙂